Men’s Massage Virgin? What’s Holding You Back?
Have you thought about getting a men’s massage or gay massage and have always had cold feet? Have you picked up the phone to dial or send a message, but your heart starts racing and you back out? Have you had the courage to ask a few questions, but not enough to book and follow through with your session? If so, this article is for you.
I admit that feeling fear is real, but then, fear is not the real thing. Ask yourself what the worst thing that could happen would be? And the best thing? But what is most likely to happen? These might help you rationalize and make sense of your fear.
There are many reasons you might not have tried a men’s massage, so I’ll go through some of the common ones here.
He may be an ax murderer. That’s possible. But do your research. Let Google be your friend. Does the masseur have a legitimate website? Can Google find them? Do they have testimonials or reviews? Go with someone who has a decent website at the very least and someone who can be found by a search. Don’t go to neighborhoods you’re not comfortable with. You can also call them, and hear their voice and let your intuition guide you. So don’t let that stop you.
He might think I’m gay. What if he doesn’t care? I, like most male masseurs, see straight, gay and bisexual men on a regular basis, so it doesn’t matter to us. But maybe YOU are the one who is questioning your sexuality. Maybe you’re curious. And all of that is ok. I believe human sexuality is complex, and exists on a continuum, and doesn’t fit neatly into ‘gay’ or ‘straight’ categories. You also don’t owe anyone any explanation about your sexual identity or behavior. But you will always be curious until you’ve tried it.
I need to be discreet. So do we. It’s important for our business. We won’t get any more business if word gets around that we are not discreet. That’s why I’m happy to accept cash payments, among other things. Rest assured, your secret is safe with me.
I might feel guilty that I’ve sinned. Whatever your religion, it’s central core teaching is love. Whatever name you call your God by, unconditional love is his/her/its makeup and loves you no matter how you present yourself. It’s ok to indulge your senses every now and then if you’re not hurting anybody in the process. Here’s an interesting article about reconciling religion and sexuality. And here’s another one.
I’m inexperienced and won’t know what to do. You don’t have to do anything. You’re not expected to be one way or another. As a professional, I’ll lead you through the massage. Your only job is to relax and enjoy yourself. Really relax. Enjoy your first man-to-man massage.
I don’t look as fit as others do. Masseurs don’t get to pick and choose which bodies they will or will not work on. A masseur’s job is to help you feel relaxed and well in your body, not judge you. After several years of working on bodies, a masseur is bound to have run across your body type.
I’m in a relationship. It’s great that you want to respect your relationship, but have you thought of having a couple’s massage? What rules do you have in your relationship about sensual massages? Can you have an honest conversation with your partner about it?
I’ve never done this before. So why don’t you let this be your first? I’m afraid. What’s the worst that could happen? At best, you’ll have an amazing massage experience that you’d want to do again.
I might get an erection. Then so be it. Believe it or not, erections are welcome here, and not to be shamed. Massage is intrinsically sensual in nature, and so an erection is the body’s natural reaction. Don’t worry about it.
Something else might happen. You can read about the many other things that people are afraid could happen during a massage. Many of them rarely happen, if at all, and the others are non-issues.
So, at the end of the day, it’s your life to live any way you want to. But don’t sit on the sidelines and wonder ‘what if…’. Face your fears and dip your toe into the water. It’s actually not as frightening as you make it out to be.
Here are some tips on how to find the right masseur for you.
Why don’t you take the plunge and call/text 213.588.4242 or book online?